My Features

Use this page to see your favourite features all in one place.

My Features


Collect abstracts, awards, papers or any other content for your event.



System Placeholder


Cloud Hosted

Cloud based secure hosting.


Unlimited Users

Our software comes with unlimited users.



Our support tools keep you on track.



Helpdesk ticketing and prioritisation.


Help Me Button

Send detailed help request emails.


Live Chat

Instant online live chat support.



Comprehensive Software Documentation



Call the support team.


Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreements ensure timely assistance.


Monthly Webinar

Keep up to date with our new features webinar.



Collect abstracts, awards, papers or any other content for your event.



Academic, scientifc, corporate or any other type of abstract.


Collect Content

Collect text, images, tables, authors, presenters and more.


Abstract Editing Tools

Powerful abstract editing tools.



Method, Results, Conclusions etc collected separately.


Tracks & Categories

Let submitters choose the track and any other category.


Unlimited Categorisation

Add multiple categories to your submissions.


Multiple Choice Fields

Ask multiple choice questions with built in search.


Multiple Select Fields

Multiple choice questions with more than one answer.


Share Options

Share multiple choice options between questions.


Authors & Affiliations

Collect details of co-authors and their affiliated organisations.


Custom Author Fields

Collect additional data about your authors.


Custom Affiliation Fields

Collect additional data about affiliated organisations.


Auto Affiliations

Save time adding affiliated organisastions.


Author Limits

Control the number of authors.


Lead Authors

Indicate which author is your main contact.



Collect presenters and lead-presenter information.


Presenter Flag

Let submitters indicate their presenters.


Custom Presenter Flags

Indicate presenters, lead presenters or anything else.


Presenter Limits

Control the number of presenters allowed.


Presenter Biographies

Collect biographies for your presenters.


Presenter Photo

Upload a presenter photo for use in your programme.


Submitter Preferences

Submitters can grant permissions and specify presentation preferences.


Grant Permissions

Get permissions from your submitters.


Presentation Type

Choose presentation preferences e.g. Oral or Poster.


Abstract Payment

Collect payments for abstracts as part of the submission process.


Custom Contributors

Define additional contributors for your submissions.



Customise your project using your forms and your process.


Administration Tools

Manage submissions using powerful dashboards and editing tools.



Get graphical overviews and access to detailed data.


Browse & Edit

Powerful tools for browsing your submissions.



Quickly inspect any item in the grid.


Filter & Sort

Sort and filter columns to find the right items.


Bulk Edit

Save time by easily editing multiple items at once.


Choose Columns

Choose the colums you want to see.


Inline Edit

Safely edit data directly in the grid.


Quick Edit

Quickly edit any field in any record.


Email Notifications

Send targetted emails to users.


Standard Email Templates

Send out a set of standard emails to users.



Track emails and be confident of delivery.


Merge Fields

Use merge fields to personalise the email.


Branded Messages

Brand your emails with your logo.


Targeted Emails

Target a specific set of users with your emails.


Automated Emails

Send out automatic emails when an event happens.


Scheduled Emails

Choose when you want your emails to be sent.


Bulk Upload

Quickly upload large volumes of data.


Admin Fields

Store custom private data in your project.


Project Cloning

ProjectCloning Placeholder


Custom Process

Total control of the submission process.


Multiple Stages

Configure unlimited edit and review stages.


Multiple Paths

Have different routes that submissions can take through your process.


Micro Workflow

Let each submission move through your process independently.



Configure rules to control the flow of submissions.


Custom Forms

Customise the forms used for collecting data.


Multiple Pages

Use a single page or multiple pages in your forms.



Use your logo and your colours.


Unlimited Questions

Add unlimited questions to your forms.


Form Editor

Build your forms quickly and easily.


Help & Guidance

Add guidance notes to make it easy for submitters.


Question Settings

Control settings on each question


Read Only

Choose which questions to be read only.


Control Limits

Set word, character, image, table and other limits on your questions.


Required Fields

Control which fields must be answered.


Submitting Rules

Control who can add submissions and when.


Limits Per Submitter

Control how many submissions each submitter is allowed.


Limits Per Presenter

Control how many submissions each presenter can present.


Limits Per Category

Control the submissions per submitter for each category.


Symposia Linking

Easily add submissions to symposia.


Suggest Chairs

Users can suggest people to chair their symposium.


Invite Submitters

Users can invite people to submit to their symposium.


Breakout Sessions

Handle special sessions with their own process.


Breakout Custom Process

BreakoutCustomProcess Placeholder


Breakout Custom Forms

BreakoutCustomForms Placeholder


Breakout Custom Questions

BreakoutCustomQuestions Placeholder


Breakout Programme Editor

BreakoutProgrammeEditor Placeholder


Submitter Experience

Engage your submitters with our easy to use software.


Submitter Dashboard

A branded and engaging dashboard for submitters.


Instructions & Orientation

Help your submitter acheive their goals with clear instructions and guides.


Logos & Images

Add your logo and any other images to engage and motivate your submitters.


Social Media

Keep submitters up to date with your social media feeds.


Videos & Marketing

Engage your submitters with embedded videos and other marketing.


Flexible Log In

Easy and customisable User Login.


Social Login

Fast login using social media accounts.


Branded Login

Reassure users with a branded login page.


Single Sign On

Log in users from your own system.


Single User Account

Users only need one account.


Auto Email Notifications

Send automatic emails to keep users informed.



Collect Sponsor and Exhibitor marketing material.


Collect Data

Collection information from your sponsors.


Sponsor Editing

Powerful editing tools.


Sponsor Categories

Let sponsors choose categories.


Team Members

Collect details of team members.


Custom Fields

Collect additional data about team members.


Member Limits

Control the number of team members.


Member Flags

Indicate which team member is your main contact.



Customise your process and forms.


Sponsor Rules

Control who can upload information and when.


Administration Tools

Manage sponsors and exhibitors using powerful tools.


Sponsor Experience

Engage your sponsors with our easy to use software.



Symposia, Roundtables, Workshops, Seminars.


Collect Topics

Collection suggestions for topics and their chairs.


Symposia Editing

Powerful Symposia Editing Tools


Symposia Categories

Let submitters categorise their symposia.



Collect details of chairs and their affiliated organisations.


Custom Chair Fields

Collect additional data about your chairs.


Chair Limits

Control the number of chairs per symposium.


Customise Symposia

Customise your process and forms.


Symposia Rules

Control who can add symposia and when.


Limits Per Chair

Control how many symposia each chair person can chair.


Administration Tools

Manage symposia using powerful dashboards and editing tools.


Application Forms

Scholarships, Board Nominations, Job Applications, Grants.


Collect Applications

Collection résumés, bios, photos, or any other data from your applicants.


Editing Application Forms

Powerful application form editing tools.



Let applicants choose categories.


Application Form Payment

Collect payments for applications as part of the application process. (Registration Module Required)



Collect details of referees or nominees and their affiliated organisations.


Custom Referee Fields

Collect additional data about your referees.


Referee Limits

Control the number of referees.


Referee Flags

Indicate how to contact each referee.



Customise your process and forms.


Application Form Rules

Control who can apply and when.


Limits Per Referee

Control how many applications each referre can support.


Administration Tools

Manage applications using powerful dashboards and editing tools.


Applicant Experience

Engage your applicants with our easy to use software.



Collect award applications or nominations.


Collect Applications

Collect text, images, tables, videos and much more.


Editing Text

Powerful award application editing tools.



Let applicants choose their award category.



Collect details of nominees and their affiliated organisations.


Custom Nominee Fields

Collect additional data about your nominees.


Nominee Limits

Control the number of nominees.


Primary Nominees

Indicate which nominee is the main contact.


Nominate Candidates

Let your community nominate their candidates.



Customise your award project using your forms and your process.


Awards Rules

Control who can add applications and when.


Limits Per Applicant

Control how many applications each applicant is allowed.


Limits Per Nominee

Control how many applications each nominee can support.


Limits Per Category

Control the applications per applicant for each category.


Administration Tools

Manage applications using powerful dashboards and editing tools.


Browse Applications

Powerful tools for browsing, filtering and sorting award applications.


Applicant Experience

Engage your applicants with our easy to use software.


Applicant Dashboard

A branded and engaging dashboard for applicants.



Papers, presentations, videos or any other content.


Collect Content

Collect papers, videos, presentations and much more.


Upload & Edit Papers

Powerful paper editing tools.


Online Paper Editing

Use powerful editing tools to edit papers online.


Paper Payment

Collect payments for papers as part of the submission process.



Sell and manage tickets, monitor revenue and manage delegates.


Product Management

Create and manage the items you want to sell.


Customise Products

Sell any type of product.



Sell any type of ticket for your event.


Guest Tickets

Link guest tickets to your main tickets.


Social Events

Sell social events from dinners to discos.



Sell T-Shirts or any other merchandise.



Control product sales through custom rules.



Control wich products can be bought together.


Purchase Limits

Control how many products each customer can buy.


Stock Levels

Don't sell what you don't have by setting stock levels.


Time Based Pricing

Set different pricing at different times.


Authorisation Codes

Set codes restricting purchases to elected customers.


Stock Management

Manage stock levels.


Submission Linking

Link purchases to submissions.


Order Management

Track and manage your customer orders.


Payment Collection

Collect payment from customers.



Connect to your payment gateway provider.


Payment Options

Let customers choose online or offline payment.


Email Receipt

Email an customised receipt automatically.


Any Currency

Choose the currency for your project.


Manage Tax

Apply the correct tax.


Tax Rate

Choose the rate of tax for your region.


Tax Name

Choose the right name for your tax.


Track Revenue

Track and manage your revenue.


Offline Orders

Manage payments offline for your orders.


Delegate Management

Monitor and communicate with your delegates.


Special Needs

Capture details of delegate special needs.


Manage Unpaid Delegates

Manage attendees who have not yet paid.


Email Notifications

Communicate with customers and attendees.


Delegate Experience

Enhance your delegate experience.


Delegate Dashboard

Engage your delegates with our easy to use software.


Customisable Invoice

Customise the invoice contents for each customer.


Group Bookings

Buy items on behalf of others.


Enhanced Engagement

EnhancedEngagement Placeholder


Administration Tools

Reports, downloads and overviews.



View and download reports.


Unpaid Presenters

UnpaidPresenters Placeholder


Unpaid Orders

UnpaidOrders Placeholder


Products Per Attendee

ProductsPerAttendee Placeholder


Attendees Per Product

AttendeesPerProduct Placeholder



Easily track and manage in once place.



Keep customers and delegates up to date.


Promote Products

Send targeted emails to promote related products.


Chase Payments

Send targeted emails for unpaid orders.



Email attendees with customised certificates.



Email attendees visa application covering letters.



Collect scores and feedback on your content.



Let reviewers provide scores, feedback and recommendations.


Review Scoring

Customisable submission scoring.


Multiple Criteria

Collect scores on multiple criteria.


Combine Scores

Combine and tally scores for easy decision making.


Weighted Scoring

Give different criteria different weighting.


Customise Labels

Customise the numerical score labels.


Review Comments

Collect reviewer comments & feedback.


Feedback To Submitter

Collect feedback for submitters.


Feedback To Committee

Collect private comments for your committee.


Review Recommendations

Collect suggestions from your reviewers.


Reviewers Dashboard

Give reviewer's a personalised dashboard.


Track Progress

Reviewers can track their own progress.


Download Submissions

Download submissions for offline review.


Download Scores

Reviewers can download their scores and comments.


Custom Review Forms

Customise the questions for your reviewers.


Reviewer Instructions

Provide customised instructions for reviewers.



Assign, track and manage the reviews of your submissions.



Assign your submissions to reviewers.


Automatic Assignment

Let the system match submissions to reviewers.


Field Matching

Match submissions to reviewers based on common fields.



Configure rules to ensure an even assignment.


Test Mode

Run in test mode to check the results before committing.


Full Assignment

Let reviewers review all submissions.


Assignment Tools

Simple tools to match submissions to reviewers.



A dedicated dashboard for monitoring reviewing progress.


Administration Tools

Manage reviewing using powerful dashboards and tools.


Browse & Edit

Powerful tools for browsing your reviews.



Download reports summarising your reviewing.


Custom Reviewing

Customise your review process and forms.


Multiple Review Rounds

Make the right decisions using multi round reviewing.


New Assignments

Assign submissions to different reviewers at each round.


Repeated Assignments

Use the same reviewers for each submission in each round.


Variable Forms

Keep the same or use new forms at each round.



Escalate difficult decisions to another team of reviewers.


Multiple Review Types

Have more than one type of review.


Decision Making

Quickly convert reviewer feedback into decisions.



Easily apply decisions.



Review submission statistics.


Review Summaries

Look at summary information from all reviews.


Reports And Downloads

Download customisable reports.


Committee Recommendations

Review summary recommendations from your Committee.



Delegate assignment and decision making.



Sign-up and manage your teams of reviewers.


Reviewer Sign Up

Enlist members of your community to help with reviewing.


Get More Reviewers

Increase your pool of reviewers.


Custom Form

Collect reviewer information.


Custom Process

Create your only process for selecting reviewers.


Choose Reviewers

Choose the reviewers you want for your project.


Multiple Reviewer Types

Multiple types of reviewer for different processes.


Blind Reviewing

Hide sensitive information from reviewers.


Reviewer Email

Quickly communicate with your reviewers.


Chase Reviewers

ChaseReviewers Placeholder


Invite Reviewers

InviteReviewers Placeholder


Email On Assignment

EmailOnAssignment Placeholder


Submission Recategorisation

Let reviewer's change submission categories.


Reviewer Help Me

Help reviewers get assistance.


Review Bidding

Let reviewers bid for their submissions.


Invite Bidders

Send out emails inviting bidders to take part.


Custom Questions

Ask questions to help qualify your bidders.


Filter Bidders

Filter to find the winning bidders.


Assign Bidders

Assign submissions to the winning bidders, ready for review.


Chairs & Committees

Involve your key stakeholders at every stage.



Let your committee assign submissions to reviewers.



Let your committee ensure consistent reviews.



Let your committee feedback decisions and comments.


Decision Making

Allow committee members to apply final decisions to submissions.



Build a schedule, manage speakers, and engage your delegates.


Programme Editor

Build a speaker and session schedude.


Speaker Scheduling

Schedule speaker presentations.


Parallel Sessions

Manage unlimited parallel sessions.


Complex Layouts

Handle complex programme layouts.



Export your finalised programme as Word, PDF or Html.


Allocate Rooms

Allocate rooms to sessions.


Allocate People

Allocate people including chairs and moderators to sessions.


Customisable Content

Customise the entries and data stored in your programme.


Drag & Drop Tools

Use our easy tools to build your programme.


Personal Agenda

Let delegates build their own agenda.


Speaker Management

Collect and manage information for your keynote speakers.


Interactive Programme

A rich interactive tool for browsing your programme.


Branded Programme

Professional, Branded experience.


Session Sponsorship

Add value for your sponsors with sponsored sessions.


Templated Pages

Customise every detail of your interactive programme experience.


Mobile Friendly

Mobile friendly and fast for easy access.


Administration Tools

Reports, tools, downloads and overviews.


Programme Dashboard

Manage your programmes and their entries in one place.


Programme Reports

Download documetns and spreadsheets with programme details.


Event App

Engage your delegates with an event branded App.



Delegates can browse sessions and plan their day.


Search Presenters

Search for your favourite presenter.


Personal Agenda

Create a personal agenda of sessions and speakers.


Speaker Sessions

Browse the sessions at your event.



Read biographies and view speaker photos.


Breakout Sessions

Step outsite the main event.



Learn about the presenters, key notes, delegates etc.


Delegate Search

Search for your colleagues.



Read about fellow delegates.


Chairs & Committees

Information about key leaders.



Information about your keynote and invited speakers.



Details of the event plenaries.


Abstracts & Papers

View and download abstracts, papers or any other content.


Browse Abstracts

Browse and search through abstracts.


Download Papers

Download Papers, presentations or any other content.


Abstracts by Session

Browse sessions and find abstracts.


Custom Content

Add extra pages for venue, sponsors, committee etc.


Venue Information

Information about the venue and local area.


Floor Plans

Floor Plans you can pinch and zoom.


Key Features

Offline working, real-time updates, Apple & Android.


Native App

Profressional and branded native app.


Real Time Updates

Real-time updates keep delegates up to date.


Works Offline

Your app works even when Wifi does not.


Apple & Android

Built for Apple and Android devices.


Custom Layout

Customise the layout to suit you.



Dedicated Event App with your branding.


Publishing & Sharing

Publish your content and share your data.


API & Integration

Share your data securely with other systems.


Partner Services

Seamlessly integrate with one of our trusted partners.


Client Dashboard

Let clients and key stakeholders monitor your project progress.


Rich Text

Use Bold, italics and any other rich text formatting.


Drag & Drop

Drag & drop documents and images directly into the editor.


Unicode Support

Use characters including Greek & Chinese with full Unicode support.


Markup Editor

Edit LaTeX, AsciiDoc or any other markup easily.


Content Limits

Specify word, character, table and image limits.


Branding and Theming

Use your brand colours for a consistent user experience.


Standard Themes

Choose from one of our built-in standard themes.


Custom Themes

Let Firebird build a custom theme.


File Upload

Collect documents, presentations, videos or any other type of file.


File Type Restrictions

Control the types of files uploaded.


Unlimited File Size

No file size restrictions holding you back.


Multiple Files Per Question

Let users upload items for one question.


File Versioning

Keep a history of uploaded files.



Produce customised Word, PDF and Excel reports.


Standard Reports

Firebird comes with a range of standard reports.



Use templates to get your data the way you need it.


Download Formats

Download in any popular format.

See for yourself


We've prepared a few demo websites and videos where you can try out or see some of our features.

Please feel free to give them a try or Contact Us for a personalised tour.

Amazing Features
"From the start, I really felt like Firebird were looking after me and my conference. They were always available and the system worked really well."
Maggie Newman, Society of Labor Economists
Need some help?

Talk to us

Every event is different and it can be confusing knowing what you need for your particular project.

We also understand that for first timers, the entire process can be extremely daunting which is why we provide more than software. For us, it's about giving you a personalised service too.

Come and talk to our experts who have personally supported thousands of events across every imaginable industry and academic subject.

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+44 20 7558 8055
© Firebird Conference Systems Ltd 2022. All rights reserved.
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